Welcome to Summer, and June's Label Alert! This issue of Label Alert is packed with breaking news. From the announcement of FDA's two final rules overhauling the iconic Nutrition Facts to new voluntary sodium targets and the definition of evaporated cane juice, dive deep into the latest in labeling. The new NFP changes will affect both product identity as well as the general format of the panel and the serving sizes used to calculate nutrient information. Most companies will only have two years to comply, and Prime Label wants you to know that we've got your back. From our free implementation newsletter (Label Alert Extra) to our JumpStart and outsourcing services, PLC is committed to assisting companies with the transition. One of our transition services, the Category Migration Map is highlighted in the panel on the left.
First Lady Michelle Obama unveiled the long-awaited new Nutrition Facts label as a "landmark achievement" that serves as a capstone to her dedicated efforts to improve the health of America's youngest generations.
A Food Label That Gets Right to the Point
If you've ever eaten a handful of potato chips only to find out that, according to the package, you've just consumed two full servings and way more calories than you thought, help is on the way. New labels announced by the Food and Drug Administration on Friday will come with more realistic serving sizes, among other changes. But to really help shoppers, the F.D.A. needs a whole new approach to food labeling.
FDA Issues Draft Guidance to Food Industry for Voluntarily Reducing Sodium in Processed and Commercially Prepared Food
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued draft guidance for public comment that provides practical, voluntary sodium reduction targets for the food industry.
"Evaporated Cane Juice" - FDA Releases Final Guidance Critical of the Term
On May 25, 2016, the United States Food and Drug Administration's Office of Nutrition and Food Labeling in the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition ("FDA") published a final guidance for industry entitled "Ingredients Declared as Evaporated Cane Juice." The guidance reinforces FDA's longstanding requirement that ingredients in food be declared by their common or usual names.
USDA Finalizes Rule to Require Labeling of Mechanically Tenderized Beef Products
FSIS announced new labeling requirements for raw or partially cooked beef products that have been mechanically tenderized. Consumers, restaurants, and other food service facilities will now have more information about the products they are buying, as well as useful cooking instructions so they know how to safely prepare them.
Is Your Packaging Ready for Vermont GMO Legislation?
The packaging departments of food and beverage companies are likely swamped, as they have just a few months to get ready for the July 1 deadline of Vermont's mandatory GMO labeling law. If they don't meet this deadline, the companies withstand a penalty of $1,000 per day.
This time last year, KIND was engulfed in a media firestorm (and a tidal wave of false advertising lawsuits) after the FDA took issue with its use of the term 'healthy' on pack. Today it is claiming victory after the FDA said it can now use the term - with certain caveats - and unveiled plans to re-evaluate its conditions of use for 'healthy' and other nutrient content claims.
Category Map NFP Migration
Our customized algorithm will create an Impact and Gap Analysis by categorizing each product according to the new rule's impact on panel size, nutrient content claims, nutrient declarations, and more. This customized, categorical approach to data and graphics impact, with missing data highlighted and actionable to dos clearly defined, is essential for planning your enterprise program and phasing your re-labeling, re-packaging & reformulating efforts.