Take 15% off PLC's labeling Training Manuals!
Put the wealth of PLC's labeling expertise at your fingertips with our labeling Training Manuals - designed with the cooperation of former government labeling officials to give you the ultimate labeling resource.
This 300-page manual is designed as a self-study guide to the complicated calculations of nutritional labeling. -Covers every food under federal regulation -Is organized in an easy to read, step-by-step format, in clear language -Covers every aspect of food labeling -Includes nuances and topics you won't find anywhere else -and more ... Whether used as a handy reference or a critical training tool, the Essential Guide is an indispensable resource for all your USDA labeling questions. The manual includes:
-Up-to-date information on regulatory jurisdictions, required label features, processing requirements -The changing roles of USDA/FSIS and processors in label approval -Standards of identity, product name qualifiers and restricted ingredients -Label approval records best practices -and more ...
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