Dear Colleague

Welcome to the fifth issue of LABEL ALERT EXTRA - Audit Process, Data & Suppliers, a practical implementation guide to navigating Nutrition Label Reform. After a year digesting the new Nutrition final rule, we are back in force with the rest of our series to help you transition to the new Nutrition Facts panel.

After creating thousands of nutrition panels last year, Prime Label has distilled its expertise on best practices. If you haven't yet started, now is a critical time, as the new compliance date has just been tentatively declared for January 2020 by the new FDA Commissioner.

To get started, dive into this month's installment, organized in the following sections: 
Feel free to forward this newsletter to your team members who will be instrumental to your success as you navigate this journey together. Download our complimentary Style Guide. Be sure to read Step 1Step 2Step 3 and Step 4 if you haven't already, and stay tuned for our 6th installment next time: Scope Resources & Costs.
Step 5: Audit Process, Data & Suppliersspotlight
How-To Spotlight
The fifth step in managing an 
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Click Video to Learn More
effective transition is to audit your processes, data and suppliers - first by understanding what your risk areas are, then by establishing checkpoints and analyses across your product sets and supplier documentation.

Click the video link above to view a brief overview of these topics.
Essential Checklist
Here are the top ten factors to consider when auditing your processes, data & suppliers:
Identify Common Errors: 
  • Not modifying serving size for a new Reference Amount
  • Missing or incorrect dual column nutrition panels
  • Using old RDI or DRV to calculate % DV
  • Not counting added sugar correctly
  • Incorrect calculation of dietary fiber
  • Declaring folate incorrectly
  • Incorrect use of "no added sugar" claim
Develop Checkpoints and Analyses:
  • Redesign your NFP creation, R&D and label compliance review processes
  • Analyze for data errors & omissions across product and ingredient categories
  • Audit supplier documentation for common daily value and nutrient sourcing (fiber, added sugar, folate) mistakes
PLC and sgsco are ready to support you with regulatory, design & pre-press services that help you plan packaging changes across your enterprise.  Come to our Nutrition Label Reform training October 25th in Chicago where we have two tracks - one for technical (regulatory and R&D) and a second for professional (marketing and management). 
Get started now ...
Leverage Best Practices
Watch Video - Consumer Reaction to Label Reform
Engage the experts who successfully guided clients through the recent on-pack US and EU regulation changes. Read our Observations from the Shelf: Early Rollout of the New Nutrition Facts Panel, and visit the sgsco Nutrition 2016 Showcase Page on LinkedIn to learn more, comment and share.  Read more at sgsco ...
Find Out More
If you have the time, we recommend browsing a few stories related to the latest Nutrition Label Reform news below:  Step 1  |  Step 2  |  Step 3  |  Step 4

Industry News:
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