Welcome to December's Label Alert! In this issue, AMA encourages FDA to take more action on Added Sugar, FDA announces new romaine lettuce labeling and issues a new qualified health claim, amongst other news. Plus, save $100 with Earlybird registration on the 2019 Food Label Conference. Before we know it 2019 will be here, so snuggle up and read on to prepare for the New Year...
Should the FDA Require Front-of-Package Warnings about Sugar?
The American Medical Association wants the Food and Drug Administration to adopt front-of-package warning labels for foods with high levels of added sugars, according to a statement from the group. The AMA also asked the FDA to limit how much added sugar can be allowed in foods making health or nutrition claims on the package.
FDA And Leafy Greens Growers Agree: Romaine Lettuce Will Now Be Labeled
Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on a new qualified health claim for consuming oils with high levels of oleic acid to reduce coronary heart disease risk.
A class action lawsuit against Mott's says the company is using the terms "natural" and "all natural ingredients" to deceive consumers about what's really inside their apple juice and applesauce products ....
FDA Extends Comment Period on Use of the Names of Dairy Foods in Labeling Plant-Based Products
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is extending by 60 days, until January 28, 2019, the comment period on the request for information on labeling plant-based products with names that include the names of dairy foods, such as "milk," "yogurt," and "cheese." The original comment period was scheduled to end on November 27.
Brave New Food World: Will You Eat These Things?
Save $100
on Food Label Conference
Instead of slowing down, the pace of food labeling changes has accelerated over the past year. Plan to join us next April to learn about new government initiatives, their impact on the food industry, and the latest market trends.
Choose from over 35 different hands-on, in-depth, interactive breakout sessions in specialized labeling areas, organized into 5 tracks: Nutrition, FDA, USDA, Marketing and Expert.
New this year will be 3 different sessions on the USDA's new Bioengineering rule and an industry panel on dealing with blurring regulatory boundaries. 14 new breakouts will cover topics on best practices for collaborating with Private Label and ingredient suppliers, new food trends, distribution channels, state and international labeling, and more...
... and use coupon code EARLYBIRD before Jan 1 to get $100 off or get $400 savings by signing up for all 4 days of conference and training seminars.