December 2023

Dear {First Name},

Happy holidays and welcome to December's Label Alert! In this month's headlines, the Reagan-Udall Foundation submits its Operational Evaluation of FDA’s Human Foods Program to FDA, Upside Foods lab-grown chicken is approved by FDA, FDA issues two guidance documents on allergens, and more ...

This month, we're celebrating the holidays by offering Label Alert subscribers an Early Bird discount of $100 off the main conference (June 5-6) at PLC's 35th Food Label Conference! Join us June 4-7, 2023, in Washington D.C. for this annual food industry event.

So now, sit back and take a breather with some industry news from Label Alert!

Reagan-Udall Foundation Completes Operational Evaluation of FDA’s Human Foods Program

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The Independent Expert Panel for Foods submitted its Operational Evaluation of FDA’s Human Foods Program to Dr. Robert Califf, Commissioner for Food and Drugs. The evaluation and report were facilitated by the Reagan-Udall Foundation at Dr. Califf’s request. The complete final report is also available here.

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Upside Foods Gets FDA Greenlight for Cultivated Chicken

Cultivated meat maker Upside Foods received approval from the FDA for its chicken grown from animal cells. This is the first regulatory approval for any cultivated meat in the U.S.

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FDA Constituent Update

FDA Issues Guidances on Food Allergen Labeling Requirements

The FDA issued two guidance documents about food allergen labeling requirements to help the food industry meet the requirements to list any major food allergen on the labels of FDA-regulated foods.

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Does Carbon Labeling of Food Work?

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Very little attention is paid to food in the conversation around net zero. But food production accounts for one-third of our global carbon emissions, so changing our eating habits is critical. The LEAP program at the University of Oxford has been experimenting with carbon labeling — labeling food according to its carbon emissions. 

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Consumer Suits Against Gerber Baby Foods Dismissed

National Law Review

On October 17, 2022, the District Court granted Gerber Products Company’s (“Gerber”) motion to dismiss a class action lawsuit in which Plaintiffs had alleged that Gerber deceptively led consumers to believe their baby food products were “healthy” and “safe” despite allegedly containing unsafe levels of toxic metals.

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Trade Association Pushes USDA to Swiftly Finalize Organic Regulations

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 The Organic Trade Association (OTA) along with other organic stakeholders and consumers urged the US Department of Agriculture to quickly implement a final Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards (OLPS) rule.

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Early Bird Special:

$100 Off*

Main Conference Registration

35th Annual

Food Label Conference

June 4-7, 2023

Washington, D.C.

The 35th Food Label Conference is the essential forum to learn and discuss critical labeling, regulatory, and policy topics in 2023. And to celebrate the holidays, we're pleased to offer $100 off main conference registration!*

With over 35 government and industry experts speaking on over 30 different labeling topics, you can't afford to miss this annual industry event, in-person in Washington D.C. June 4-7! 

This year's conference will focus on topics such as the "Healthy" proposed rule and other USDA & FDA labeling policy updates, emerging technologies and novel foods, e-commerce and online labeling, supply chain challenges, and sesame / allergen labeling.

Join us for thoughtful discussion with industry experts, top food lawyers, and government regulators to learn and network.

$100 discount off main conference (June 5-6)

with promo code:


*Early Bird promotion ends January 15, 2023

Register Now

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