for Regulatory & Marketing Professionals

Confused by a multitude of regulations from numerous government agencies scattered across disparate sources? PLC's unique education services coalesce critical requirements in an easy to follow, structured framework. Whether customized on-site, via webinar, or individualized on Webex, you can hone your labeling skills in a way that makes sense for you.

What Our Customers Say

The "Essential Guide to USDA Food Labeling"

Prime Label’s “Essential Guide to USDA Food Labeling” is the best! While many other resources can be difficult to sort through or decipher at times, the Essential Guide does a really great job of summarizing the most important labeling rules and subject matter. Well-organized, user-friendly, and with references back to the CFR, it’s become my go-to guide.
Jill Konecnik
Corporate Manager, Labeling Compliance & Specifications
John Morrell Food Group
Customized  On-Site Training

Tyson Foods wanted to ensure that their entire label development team was on the same page. Twenty six colleagues assembled to hear Prime Label present a customized training. It allowed us to ask questions that were specific to our labels and challenges, and gave us some great strategies to use in label approval. And the certification allowed us to collect continuing education credit as well.
Molly Miller, MS, RD 
Project Leader, Regulatory Services
Tyson Foods, Inc.

Upcoming Training Schedule

USDA Labeling Basics

Explore the distinct labeling regulations of the USDA, which may vary from those of the FDA. This webinar series provides a comprehensive foundation, covering essential aspects of labeling, claim compliance, and insights from Consultants with expertise on diverse sources of rules, policies, and regulations. This program is designed to cover USDA labeling, claim substantiation, and effective practices for label approvals and recordkeeping, optimizing your efforts to ensure product compliance.

Foundations of USDA Labeling

The USDA has its own set of labeling regulations that can differ from those of the FDA. If you are new to labeling USDA products, or simply need a refresher, this webinar presents a thorough foundation of USDA labeling for meat, poultry, or egg product labels. Learn the mandatory labeling features as well as common additional elements. During this session, we will discuss: 

  • Regulatory oversight and USDA amenability 
  • Mandatory label features and placement
  • Evaluating product names for compliance
  • Descriptive designations and product name qualifiers
  • Inspection legend requirements
  • Net quantity of contents declaration and formatting
  • Acceptable verbiage for address line & handling statements
  • Overview of ingredient statement requirements & formatting
  • Additional label features, such as foreign language & allergen labeling
  • General requirements for nutrition labeling

USDA Labeling Claims

Meat and poultry products have a range of specific requirements for product claims, including animal raising, geographic origin, ingredient value add, nutrient content, and more. Learn claim requirements, and gain an understanding of factors triggering USDA review and approval. During this session, we will discuss: 

  • Prior label approval and generic eligibility
  • Special statements and claims that require prior label approval
  • Nutrition and diet claims
  • Claim substantiation requirements and common third party certifications
  • Made with ingredient call outs
  • Negative/absence claims and clean label call-outs such as uncured, no nitrates or nitrites, natural and non-GMO
  • Blended meat/vegetable products, vegetable content, and whole grain claims
  • Regenerative, geographic and animal raising claims

USDA Approval Roadmap: Generic, LPDS, and Recordkeeping

Prior approval by FSIS is required for labels used on meat and poultry products, and understanding whether label artwork requires review may be a critical factor in product development timelines. Learn how USDA approves labels, which types are eligible for in-house, generic approval, and explore recommended best practices for label submission and recordkeeping. During this session, we will discuss: 

  • Background of USDA food labeling regulations
  • Prior label approval and meaning of generic eligibility
  • Types of label applications and options when a label error is identified 
  • How to fill out the 7234-1 Form and the Label Submission and Approval System (LSAS)
  • Tips for completing and submitting label applications
  • Impacts of changes to previously approved labels
  • Best practices for recordkeeping and helpful resources
  • Common compliance concerns and top common mistakes made on labels
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Nutrition Labeling

This comprehensive course gives participants a thorough understanding of nutrition labeling for food products under federal regulation - the result: nutrition labeling that meets federal requirements, helps consumers, and puts your product in the best light. Please note that purchasing a Nutrition Labeling Manual is highly recommended, as the book is referenced throughout the curriculum.

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FDA Labeling Basics

FDA label requirements can be confusing, and trends change at a fast pace. In addition to stringent content and wording requirements, food labels must also comply with size, color, language, and location rules. Claims are also a moving target with many subtleties in wording and design. Learn the basics of FDA labeling rules and keep up with the latest developments. Our seminar covers:

Mandatory Labeling Features

Are you responsible for label creation, regulatory compliance, artwork design or review? This session offers a comprehensive overview of the FDA’s mandatory features for retail food and beverage labels. Whether you are new to labeling or need to brush up on requirements, this session will enhance your labeling expertise and provide the key information you need to ensure your products meet basic requirements! This session will enable attendees to:

  • Describe regulatory oversight of US food labeling
  • Understand the difference between mandatory and voluntary label features
  • Determine where mandatory info should be placed on labels
  • Develop a compliant Statement of Identity, incl. flavor qualifiers
  • Format the Net Contents Statement for varying product types
  • Prepare a compliant ingredient statement using composite or component labeling
  • Discuss options for declaring spices, colors, flavors, preservatives, fats/oils, and other ingredient groupings
  • Name the “Big 9” mandatory allergens and identify compliant allergen declarations
  • Present a complete Address Line
  • Apply other mandatory features such as bioengineered food disclosure or country of origin

Nutrition Labeling

Nutrition labeling requirements can feel like solving a challenging puzzle - fun and complex at the same time, and a source of a lot of time spent. This program will provide a crash course on how to create a Nutrition Facts Panel that is complete, compliant and customized to your product labels. This session will enable attendees to:

  • Summarize objectives of the Nutrition Labeling Education Act 
  • Assess mandatory vs voluntary nutrients for compliance
  • Evaluate nutrition data using reference values and rounding rules
  • Recognize options for obtaining nutrient data: database, lab or supplier records
  • Identify sources and apply regulatory definitions for Added Sugars & Dietary Fiber
  • Explain Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed (RACC) 
  • Create a compliant Nutrition Facts Panel with correct serving size
  • Assess single serve, mandatory and voluntary dual column labeling requirements
  • Choose the appropriate type of Nutrition Facts Panel
  • Optimize the Nutrition Facts Panel when space is limited

Label Claims & Enforcement

Food labels are in their "marketing claim era" - brimming with claims and no stopping! As consumer interests evolve, so does the gap between regulated and undefined claims. Join this session to gain key insights into the top FDA label claims. This session will enable attendees to:

  • Understand how regulations apply to vignettes and ad copy
  • Distinguish between nutrient, health, and structure/function claims
  • Evaluate geographic references and implied food origins
  • Apply FTC policies including "Made in USA" and “Green Guides”
  • Navigate clean label trends: "Made with real," "No artificial ingredients,” and “Natural”
  • Understand requirements for time-limited claims like "new"
  • Explore common certifications and labeling for kosher and organic
  • Assess regulations and consumer expectations for dietary trends such as vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, whole grain, and fresh 
  • Explain FDA enforcement actions and regulatory oversight
  • Identify potential enforcement actions from other agencies and avenues 
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Canadian Labeling

Canada has recently updated its food labeling requirements. In addition, it is up to food manufacturers to ensure their product labels are compliant before they go to market, and the regulations can be difficult to interpret. Learn the regulations that govern food labeling in Canada, and the differences with US labeling and CFIA enforcement.

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Labeling & Marketing Claims

Ensuring compliance and substantiation of new product claims can be challenging. Labeling and marketing claims represent some of the best opportunities to differentiate and promote your product, but there is always a risk of warning letters and other enforcement when not managed correctly. Learn best practices from Prime Label’s visibility into emerging market trends, and leave with an understanding of a variety of FDA and USDA regulated claims claims. Our seminar covers:

  • Enforcement and risk mitigation framework
  • Nutrient, health, structure/function, diet, and immunity claims 
  • Natural, “clean label,” ingredient, and allergen claims
  • Bioengineered, organic, and non-GMO statements
  • Animal raising and grading claims, and third party certifications
  • Plant-based, vegan, and blended meat/vegetable products
  • Sustainability, transparency, geographic, and environmental claims
  • Considerations for novel products such as functional foods, CBD items, and innovative snacks
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USDA Generic Approval Best Practices

Now that Generic labeling applies to the majority of products, learn how to stay compliant and share lessons learned with your peers. Understand how to satisfy USDA's generic requirements while maximizing performance in the new environment.

  • What qualifies as Generic?
  • Complying with all required label features
  • Complexities of product name & qualifier statements
  • Generic claims compliance
  • Choosing the lowest risk approval process
  • Record keeping systems
  • Navigating enforcement & appeals
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Dairy Labeling Demystified:
Navigating Federal and State Regulations

Thursday, March 14th | 2:00 - 2:50 PM ET
Speaker: Kathy J. Laviolette, Dairy Products Specialist II | NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets | Milk Control

While federal agencies such as the FDA and USDA establish overarching standards, states may also have their own specific regulations. In the realm of dairy product labeling, a complex regulatory landscape exists, involving both federal and state governments. This 50-minute, virtual session will be presented from the perspective of a Dairy Labeling and Standards expert with the New York Department of Agriculture and Markets. We'll discuss foundational dairy labeling requirements and gain insight on the State Department's crucial involvement in establishing standards, performing inspections, addressing consumer concerns and enforcement actions against companies that violate labeling regulations.

Individualized Instruction

Would you or a colleague benefit from intensive, personalized instruction in the latest in labeling -- of course! We offer one-on-one training by our labeling experts tailored to your needs. Remove the ambiguity of federal regulation, and let us do the hard work for you!

"Tyson Foods wanted to ensure that their entire label development team was on the same page. Twenty six colleagues assembled to hear Prime Label present a customized training. It allowed us to ask questions that were specific to our labels and challenges, and gave us some great strategies to use in label approval. And the certification allowed us to collect continuing education credit as well."
Molly Miller, MS, RD 
Project Leader, Regulatory Services
Tyson Foods, Inc.

On-Site Training

With PLC's on-site training, we bring our experts straight to your facility and your staff. This comprehensive, personalized instruction:

  • Provides a flexible, customizable curriculum adjusted to your products & experience levels
  • Is available in one to three-day programs, to optimize our ability to meet your needs
  • Maximizes your staff's access to our experts—let them get the answers they need, all in one place!
  • Offers strategic recommendations for your company's labeling practices and procedures

One-on-One Instruction via WebEx

Get all of the benefits of personalized labeling training—without leaving the comfort of your desk. Our one-on-one online instruction:

  • Offers interactive demonstrations that toggle between your product labels and their associated rules in PLC's regulation libraries
  • Gives your staff the freedom to access our expert training from where ever they are in the world (internet connection required!)
  • Provides the the ultimate one-on-one training experience tailored to your products—with step-by-step instruction using accessible screen sharing technology

With PLC's Certification Program, your company will reap the benefits of reduced labeling errors and be better prepared for label auditing. Give your labeling staff the confidence, productivity, and flexibility they need—contact us today!

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If you’re involved in any aspect of food labeling, you know how hard it can be to make sense of CFR requirements—and more than ever, processors are becoming increasingly responsible for the accuracy of their labels. The good news is, we're here to help! Put the wealth of PLC's labeling expertise at your fingertips with our labeling manuals—designed in cooperation with former government labeling officials to give you the  ultimate labeling resource you won't find anywhere else. 

Nutrition Labeling
for FDA & USDA Regulated Foods

This manual is designed as a self-study guide to the complicated calculations of nutritional labeling. And as a convenient desk reference, this manual is designed for your constant use. This exceptional, 300-page volume:

  • Covers every food under federal regulation—from (chicken) soup to (cashew) nuts
  • Is organized in an easy to read, step-by-step format, in language you’ll understand
  • Covers every aspect of required nutrition labeling
  • Includes nuances and topics you won’t find anywhere else
  • Tips and tools to help save you time and avoid costly errors
  • Straightens out the ambiguities in CFR / and more!
View Contents

The Essential Guide to USDA Labeling
for Meat and Poultry Foods

Whether used as a handy reference or a critical training tool, Essential Guide is an indispensable resource for all your USDA labeling questions. Now updated and expanded to reflect important changes in federal regulations, this 230-page manual includes:

  • Up-to-date information on regulatory jurisdictions, required label features, processing requirements, and more
  • The changing roles of USDA/FSIS and processors in label approval
  • Standards of identity, product name qualifiers and restricted ingredients
  • Label approval records best practices—to keep your local inspector off your back!
View Contents

Give your labeling staff the strong foundation they need, in a language and format that’s easy to understand. Order yours today!

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