Nutrition Information FAQs
Nutrition Facts Panel FAQs
Program Utilities FAQs
Miscellaneous FAQs
Q: If I go to the In-house Ingredient database and change the nutritional profile of an existing ingredient, will that change be automatically applied to all products containing that ingredient?
Q: I have nutritional data for my product from a lab analysis. EZ Form computed the serving size for this product to be 60 grams. The lab analysis said Vitamin A was present at 10% in 100 grams of product, but when I enter 10 for Vitamin A in EZ Form and then look at the Nutrition Facts Panel, Vitamin A shows as 0% rather than 6%. What’s wrong?
Q: How would I export the spreadsheet for my product's nutritional information from EZ Form into Microsoft Excel?
Q: I pulled an ingredient from the In-House Ingredient database into my product formulation, then clicked the button and added the nutrition data. Later, I added the same ingredient to another product formulation, and all my nutrition information was gone! What happened?
Q: How would I do a dual Nutrition Facts panel for my product which is a meat loaf "as packaged" and meat loaf and gravy "as prepared?"
Q: In the FDA format, how do I get rid of the "Not a significant source of"(NASS) statement at the end of the label?
Q: Can I print the Nutrition Facts Panel in a Landscape format instead of a Portrait format?
Q: How do I export my NFP so I can email it or load it into another program?
Q: How do I download the EZ Form program & its updates?
Q: What computer equipment do I need to run EZ Form effectively?
Q: How do I create a backup of my entire EZ Form directory, for example before installing an update?
Q: I'm getting a new computer. How do I go about moving EZ Form with all my data to this new computer?
Q: How do I move my EZ Form data to a folder on our network?
Q: EZ Form and its data reside on my computer. We now want others to be able to use EZ Form from their computers with all of us accessing the same set of data. What must we do to achieve this?
Q: When entering a product formula into EZ Form, how do I create a sub-formulation when I have the exact ingredient breakdown?
Q: How do I change the address associated with a particular establishment number so that the correct address appears in box 10 when I select that establishment in box 4?
Q: What procedure do I follow in order to email Prime Label a label approval application for expediting?
Q: Handbook 8 has entries for ground beef containing 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% fat. How do I create a ground beef containing 18% fat? 40% fat?
Q: Why should I install Ghostscript? How can I install Ghostscript?