EZ Form® Software

Label Compliance Expert Solution

Frequently Asked Questions

EZ Form® - Nutrition Information FAQs

Q: If I go to the In-house Ingredient database and change the nutritional profile of an existing ingredient, will that change be automatically applied to all products containing that ingredient?

  • A: No it will not. So that you have historical records of how things were when a product record was created (and information sent to the USDA), each product has a local copy of the nutritional profile of each ingredient, and these local profiles are not changed when the In-house Ingredient database is changed. However, you are presented with a list of all product records in which the revised ingredient is used. In addition, if you go to edit the formulation for one of these product records (or, more appropriately, a copy), you will see displayed in red each ingredient whose nutritional profile no longer matches values in the In-house Ingredient database. You may then update the nutritional profile of one or all ingredients in the formulation by clicking Edit-Ingredient and then Replace with Self.

Q: I have nutritional data for my product from a lab analysis. EZ Form computed the serving size for this product to be 60 grams. The lab analysis said Vitamin A was present at 10% in 100 grams of product, but when I enter 10 for Vitamin A in EZ Form and then look at the Nutrition Facts Panel, Vitamin A shows as 0% rather than 6%. What’s wrong?

  • A: By default, EZ Form expects the nutrient data for vitamins and minerals to be entered in units of weight rather than as % RDI. Since the lab gave you values as % RDI, you must tell EZ Form that you will be entering % RDIs. You do this when editing the nutrient profile by clicking on the "RDIs" button located at the bottom-left of the screen.

Q: How would I export the spreadsheet for my product's nutritional information from EZ Form into Microsoft Excel?

  • A: With your product record open, click View, Nutrition to access the Nutrition View. Next, click Display, Display Spreadsheet to access the nutrient data spreadsheet. Now click Export and then click either Tab delimited text file or DBF database. Type in the name of the file followed by ".TXT" or ".DBF", respectively. If you used the first option and created a TXT file, then when you ask Excel to open the file, you'll have to indicate to Excel that the file is "delimited" by Tabs and the data format is General. On the other hand, if you created a DBF file, then Excel will open the file without questions, and the data format for all cells will be text.

Q: I pulled an ingredient from the In-House Ingredient database into my product formulation, then clicked the button and added the nutrition data. Later, I added the same ingredient to another product formulation, and all my nutrition information was gone! What happened?

  • A: This is because you entered the nutrition information through the Nutrition  button in the product formulation box; therefore, the information was added for the ingredient only for that particular product. Instead, you need to enter the nutritional information for an ingredient through the In-House Ingredient database. To do so, open the File Menu, click on Ingredients, highlight the ingredient of interest, and click on Edit then click on Edit Nutrients.

EZ Form® - Nutrition Facts Panel FAQs

Q: How would I do a dual Nutrition Facts panel for my product which is a meat loaf "as packaged" and meat loaf and gravy "as prepared?"

  • A: Create the NFP for the meat loaf, including the serving size information. Next, click on NFP Format. Answer the questions presented until you come to the screen titled "Nutrition Facts Panel Format - Dual Declaration Option". Click on As prepared/As consumed, then click Next.. Enter the weight of the sample of the meat loaf with gravy, then click Next. Enter "Meat Loaf" for the AS PACKAGED column header, then click Next. Enter "Meat Loaf with Gravy" for the As PREPARED/AS CONSUMED column header, then click Next.  You now are presented with three options for entering the nutritional data of the meat loaf with gravy. Choose and complete the option desired. Complete the Water and Fat Loss screen as needed, then click Next. Complete the General Format Options screen as desired, then click OK. Your dual declaration NFP is now ready to be displayed or printed.

Q: In the FDA format, how do I get rid of the "Not a significant source of"(NASS) statement at the end of the label?

  • A: You must make sure that 8 of the mandatory 15 nutrients have zero values, then EZ Form automatically removes the NASS statement.

Q: Can I print the Nutrition Facts Panel in a Landscape format instead of a Portrait format?

  • A: Yes, by making this the default print orientation for your printer. Open the Printers and Scanners screen, select your default printer, and edit it's properties, locate the Orientation property, and change the orientation to landscape.

Q: How do I export my NFP so I can email it or load it into another program?

  • A: Most often an NFP is emailed as a BMP (bitmap) or PDF file. A high resolution (1200 dpi) BMP file can be created via the MakeFile menu in Nutrition View. A PDF file can be created from EZ Form in one of two ways: Via a Print-to-PDF print driver., or via a free, third-party app called GhostScript.

    Print-to-PDF Print Driver: If your company has made a "Print-to-PDF" print driver available to you as a printer choice (such as Acrobat PDFWriter, BullZip PDF Printer, CutePDF Writer, or Microsoft Print to PDF), then you can create a PDF of an NFP as follows:
  1. In EZ Form, select the product whose NFP is to be produced
  2. Open the File menu and choose Printer Current Product Record
  3. Put a check mark in front of just Nutrition Facts Panel
  4. Make sure the Output Destination/Type shows “Printer (allow selection)”
  5. If you do not wish to have headers and footers included in the PDF file, adjust the Selected Options associated with the NFP to read “1/page” as follows:
    a) Click on the button to the right of “Nutrition Facts Panel”
    b) Click on “Multiple” in the “NFPs per page” item
    c) Set “Number of Columns” and “Number of Rows” each to 1. You also will probably want the “Left Margin” and “Top Margin” to be zero.
    d) Click Close then OK.
  6. Click OK  to begin the printing
  7. A printer selection screen will open. Select your Print-to-PDF print driver from the list, then click OK or Print
  8. After a few seconds, the Print-to-PDF print driver will ask you to enter a name for the file being created. Complete this screen as you desire, then click OK or Save

    GhostScript: If you do not have a Print-to-PDF print driver available or you wish to create a file type other than PDF or BMP, then proceed as follows (the first step only needs to be completed once):
  1. Follow these directions to install the GhostScript program and set up a special "Postscript print-to-file" printer on your computer. (These same directions are available in EZ Form: Open the Settings menu, choose Auxiliary Program Locations, and then click "Obtaining and Installing Ghostscript")
  2. Select the product whose NFP is to be placed in a PDF or similar file
  3. Open the File menu and choose Printer Current Product Record
  4. Put a check mark in front of just Nutrition Facts Panel
  5. Change the Output Destination/Type to the file type to be created (e.g., PDF File)
  6. If you do not wish to have headers and footers on the page placed in this file, place a check mark in the box in front of “Suppress Headings/Footers”
  7. If desired, change the “Output folder” and/or the default ”NFP” “Output file name” associated with the “Nutrition Facts Panel” item
  8. Click OK  to begin the printing
  9. After a few seconds, a “Print” window will appear along with a gray box giving instructions. As directed, change the printer being used to the special "Postscript print-to-file" printer, then click OK
  10. After a few more seconds, a “Print To File” window will appear asking for the name of the file to be created. EZ Form has stuffed the clipboard with the necessary response, so just hold the Ctrl key down and press V to paste in the clipboard information, then click OK
  11. Shortly, a black window titled GSWIN32C will appear. In a few more seconds, it will disappear and a message box will be presented indicating the name and location of the file that has been created. Click OK to close the message box and resume using EZ Form.

EZ Form® - Program Utilities Q&A

Q: How do I download the EZ Form program & its updates?

    1. A: Click here for basic installation instructions. More detailed instructions are available below
    2. Check for the folder C:\EZFTemp on your computer and, if it is present, delete it.
    3. Click here to download the Full version of the most recent EZ Form release. If you already have EZ Form installed, click here to find out if you can utilize the Quick update.
    4. Having downloaded the Full version or Quick Update, open your Downloads folder, locate the file just downloaded (ezform.exe, quick20###.exe, or v20###xx.exe), then Open/Run the file.
    5. When the Winzip Self-Extractor window appears, click Unzip. Once the file is unzipped, click OK and Close.
    6. Run C:\EZFTemp\__SETUP.EXE. Read the opening screen, then click on Continue. For "Name", enter your name or the tile of your position (e.g., QA Manager). For "Organization", enter your company's name. Click on OK. Click on OK again to confirm the information.

      Setup proposes installing EZ Form® in the folder C:\EZFORM. We recommend that you accept this default and simply click on OK.
      (NOTE: If you are running Setup to install an update to an existing EZ Form installation, and that installation is not in C:\EZFORM, you must click on "Change Folder" and select the folder which currently contains the EZ Form program; i.e., the folder containing EZF32.EXE.)

      On the next screen, click on the large icon which displays a computer. Leave the Program Group as EzForm and click on Continue. After Setup completes copying files, click on OK. After completing setup, you may delete the C:\EZFTemp folder and all its contents.
    7. Open your Start Program list and run EZ Form 32.
    8. The first screen allows you to specify the path to any existing data. In general, you should not need to change anything on this screen. However, if this is a new installation of EZ Form® but your company has EZ Form® data residing on a network, then click on "Prior Data: Data files for this program already exist...", and then click on Browse. Locate the file EZF_MAX.DBF on the network, and double-click on it so that you are brought back to the "Path to Existing Program Data" screen with the network path now displayed. The "Location desired for version ####.# data files after installation:" input box allows you to specify where the EZ Form® data should reside once secondary installation is complete. If you have existing data, this gives you an opportunity to move the data to a new location. The default location for the EZ Form® data is C:\EZFORM\DATA. However, if your computer is attached to a network, we recommend placing your EZ Form® data in a folder on the network so that it is backed-up by your network administrator on a regular basis. If desired, change the location in which the EZ Form® data is to be stored. Click on Continue.

      If the location of previous EZ Form® data was not specified, then you will now be asked to enter your company's name and mailing address. Do so and click on OK. If the location of previous EZ Form® data was specified, then you'll be advised that EZ Form® is either updating from version x to version y, or that version z is being reinstalled. If updating, click on Continue Installation of Update. If reinstalling, click Connect to Existing v####.# Data. EZ Form® databases will now be created, updated, and re-indexed. When you are informed that EZ Form® installation is complete, click on OK.

      Read and respond to additional screens as appropriate until you come to the EZ Form® main screen which displays a menu, toolbar, and numbered boxes. To view/print a tutorial on using EZ Form®, click on Help and then on Tutorial.

      Please don't hesitate to call us at (202) 546-3333 (9am to 4pm Eastern Time) if you have any problems.

    Q: What computer equipment do I need to run EZ Form effectively?

    • A: System requirements are:
      - Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, or XP operating system
      - 256 MB RAM (memory)
      - 800 MB+ available hard disk space
      - Windows compatible printer

    Q: How do I create a backup of my entire EZ Form directory, for example before installing an update?

    • A: During installation of an update, EZ Form automatically makes a backup of the contents of your EZ Form DATA folder. This backup resides in a newly created folder inside the BACKUP folder found inside the DATA folder. Since these backups reside inside the DATA folder, they do not protect you from a failure of the disk drive bearing the EZ Form DATA folder. If your EZ Form DATA folder is on a network fileserver, then a backup is probably made as part of normal network administration. However, if your EZ Form data resides on your workstation, then it is highly recommended that you backup your EZ Form data to another location, such as a network drive or a thumb drive, as described here. The following assumes that EZ Form is installed in the C:\EZFORM folder. Revise as needed if EZ Form was installed elsewhere.
    1. Use File Explorer to open your C:\EZFORM folder
    2. Click on any file in this folder to select the file.
    3. Hold the <Ctrl> key down and press the <A> key to select all files and sub folders
    4. Hold the <Ctrl> key down and press the <C> key to copy all files and subfolders
    5. Open your network drive or thumb drive
    6. Create a new folder, naming it something like "EZ Form Backup"
    7. Open your new folder
    8. Hold the <Ctrl> key down and press the <V> key to paster in the contents of the Clipboard
    9. When copying is complete, close any remaining windows that you have opened

    Q: I'm getting a new computer. How do I go about moving EZ Form with all my data to this new computer?

    1. A: On your old computer, run EZ Form, proceed to the main screen and click on Help and then About
    2. Make note of the folder that is reported as the Data Location, usually C:\EZFORM\DATA
    3. Exit from EZ Form
    4. Use File Explorer to open your C:\EZFORM folder
    5. Copy the EZ Form DATA folder identified above to a folder on either a thumb drive or a network drive which can be accessed from your new computer
    6. Using your latest CD or download, run Setup to install EZ Form on the new computer
    7. Invoke EZ Form on the new computer
    8. On the "Path to Existing Program Data" window that opens, click on "Prior Data: Data files for this program already exist...'
    9. At the bottom of the screen, for the "Location of existing EZ Form data files", enter the path to the copy of the EZ Form data folder that you created on the thumb drive or the network drive
    10. Press the Tab  key to move to the "Location desired for version ####.# data files after installation:" input box. If you have used a thumb drive to transfer your EZ Form data, then you must change the default value in this box. It is recommended that you store your EZ Form data out on a network drive so it is backed-up on a regular basis. You may also store your EZ Form Data on your workstation, in which case it is recommended that you store it inside EZ Form's program folder, i.e., in C:\EZFORM\DATA
    11. Enter the desired location for the EZ Form data after installation
    12. Click Continue. EZ Form will now proceed to transfer, update, and re-index your data as needed

    Q: How do I move my EZ Form data to a folder on our network?

    • A: The following assumes that the location for the data on the network should be the Z: drive in a folder named EZFDATA. If not, then in the directions below, replace Z: with the appropriate drive and EZFDATA with the appropriate folder name.

      *** Determine current data location ***
    1. Run EZ Form
    2. Click on Help in the menu bar
    3. Click on About
    4. Write down what is reported as your Data Location, usually C:\EZFORM\DATA. In later instructions, this will be referred to as your "original data folder."
    5. Exit from EZ Form.

      *** Obtain a copy of the EZ Form data ***
    6. Use File Explorer to open your original data folder as identified above
    7. Click on any file in this folder to select the file.
    8. Hold the <Ctrl> key down and press the <A> key to select all files and sub folders
    9. Hold the <Ctrl> key down and press the <C> key to copy all files and sub folders

      *** Paste the copy of EZ Form data into a new network folder ***
    10. Open your network Z: drive
    11. Create a new folder in the root of your Z: drive and name it EZFDATA
    12. Open this new Z:\EZFDATA folder
    13. Hold the <Ctrl> key down and press the <V> key to paste in all files and sub folders that were copied above

      *** Hide the old data folder on C: from EZ Form ***
    14. Open the folder containing, usually C:\EZFORM.
    15. In the right-half of the screen, RIGHT-click on your original data folder, then click on Rename (you may first need to click "Show more options.")
    16. Change the folder name by appending the letters OLD

      *** Connect EZ Form to the data on the network ***
    17. Run EZ Form and click <OK> to the warning about the data that can't be found
    18. In the Secondary Installation window that appears, click on Current Data, and then type Z:\EZFDATA into the Location of existing EZ Form data files box, or click on Browse, open the network folder you have created, locate in this folder the file EZF_MAX.DBF and double-click on it
    19. Click on Continue, then on OK, then again on Continue
    20. Proceed to the EZ Form main screen
    21. Click on File in the menu bar
    22. Click on Open
    23. Verify that all your product records are present
    24. Cancel the File/Open operation
    25. Click on Help in the menu bar
    26. Click on About
    27. Verify that the data location is now Z:\EZFDATA.
    28. Now or at some future time, delete your original, but now renamed, data folder.

    Q: EZ Form and its data reside on my computer. We now want others to be able to use EZ Form from their computers with all of us accessing the same set of data. What must we do to achieve this?

    • A: The following assumes default setup where EZ Form is installed in C:\EZFORM and data resides in C:\EZFORM\DATA. Revise as needed if EZFORM or its data reside elsewhere. Also assumed is that the EZ Form data is moved in step 2 to Z:\EZFDATA.

      *** Obtain needed licenses ***
    1. A separate license to EZ Form is required for each user. Please contact Prime Label and ask for assistance in purchasing additional licenses. When payment is received on your invoice, you will be notified my email to contact us to update the licensing information held inside your EZ Form data. (Payment can be done by credit card over the phone and your license updated immediately thereafter.)
      *** Move data to a shared network folder ***
    2. Your EZ Form data needs to be moved out onto your network server. Please see “How do I move my EZ Form data to a folder on our network?” above
      *** Add yourself as a user ***
    3. Invoke EZ Form
    4. Click on Settings in the menu bar
    5. Click on Users
    6. Click on Add New
    7. Enter a login for yourself (this can be just your first name or something only you know that will act as both a login and a password)
    8. Enter your full name
    9. Click on OK
      *** Add each new user by repeating the following: ***
    10. Click on Add New
    11. Enter a login for the user (again, this can be just a first name or something only you and the user know that will act as both a login and a password)
    12. Enter your colleague's full name
    13. Click on OK
    14. Exit from EZ Form
      *** On each user's workstation, install EZ Form as follows: ***

    15. Set up a Z: drive mapping so that the shared EZ Form data is accessible in Z:\EZFDATA
    16. Using the same CD or download that was last used to update EZ Form on the original computer, run SETUP
    17. After entering the company name information, accept all the defaults that SETUP proposes, allowing the EZ Form program to be installed in C:\EZFORM
    18. Invoke EZ Form
    19. On the "Secondary Installation - Does Data for EZ Form Already Exist?" window that opens, click on Current Data so that a black dot appears in the circle in front of this choice
    20. In the input box after “Location of existing EZ Form data files …”, type Z:\EZFDATA or click on Browse to the right of this input box, open the network folder you have created for the EZ Form data, locate in this folder the file EZF_MAX.DBF, and double-click on it
    21. Click on Continue. EZ Form will attach to the existing data, see your licensing information and the fact that users have been defined, and present the login screen where an assigned login must be entered.

    EZ Form® - Miscellaneous Q&A

    Q: When entering a product formula into EZ Form, how do I create a sub-formulation when I have the exact ingredient breakdown?

    • A: While editing the product formulation, click on Add, then click on New Formulation. Type in the description (just the name; but no ingredient list) for the sub-formulation, e.g. "spice mix 2030", then click Close. Next, enter the amount of the sub-formulation in the product and click OK. You will then return to the main formulation screen. An asterisk will appear in front of the "spice mix 2030" ingredient. To specify the first ingredient in the spice mix, click on the asterisk. The In-House ingredient database opens. Select the first ingredient in the spice mix (or, if the ingredient is not already listed, click New and enter the ingredient description and other available information) and then specify the amount of this first ingredient that is in the spice mix. You will then return to the main formulation screen with this first ingredient highlighted and indented below "spice mix 2030". To add additional ingredients to this sub-formulation, make sure that one of the existing ingredients in the sub-formulation is highlighted, then click Add. When you are done entering all the ingredients in the spice mix and want to add an ingredient to the main list of ingredients, make sure that Spice Mix 2030 or another main ingredient is highlighted before you click Add.

    Q: How do I change the address associated with a particular establishment number so that the correct address appears in box 10 when I select that establishment in box 4?

    • A: Click on the Settings menu and select Establishments. In the list of available establishment numbers, highlight the one with the address you need to change. Click "Edit". When finished making the necessary changes, click OK.

    Q: What procedure do I follow in order to email Prime Label a label approval application for expediting?

    • A: First, create a complete product record in EZ Form so that you are at the point that you could print out everything that would be needed to obtain a label approval. That is, fill in all the information in Form 7234 View, complete Nutrition View at least to the point that an NFP can be displayed, then go to Sketch View and design your label sketch. Then proceed as follows:
    1. Click on File then on Open, highlight the product whose label approval is to be expedited, and click Select
    2. Click on File then on Export then on  Current Product Record
    3. In the box captioned "Path to which export files are to be written" type   C:\EZFORM\
    4. Place a checkmark in the box in front of "Export complete product record"
    5. Remove any check mark from the other two boxes
    6. Click OK
    7. If you are advised that "Export files already exist ...", click Yes
    8. If you are asked "Would you like to email someone ...", click No
    9. Click on File then on Cover Sheet: Add to Export
    10. The "Path to which export files have been written:" box should already show C:\EZFORM\, so just click OK
    11. The exported product record(s) (you can export multiple rather than just one) are listed on the left. Complete the cover sheet information requested on the right. (What you enter becomes the default for the next time you access the cover sheet, making future cover sheet completion go quickly.)
    12. With the cover sheet completed, click OK
    13. If EZ Form knows where the Outlook executable resides on your computer, you'll be asked "... Do you wish to email Prime Label?". If you are presented with this question and you use Outlook as your emailing program, click Yes and then send the email that EZ Form generates
    14. Otherwise, manually create a new email message
    15. Address it to   labels  @  primelabel . com  (leave out spaces)
    16. Make the subject    Labels for Expediting
    17. Attach the file C:\EZFORM\EZFEXP01.DDD
    18. Send the email

    Q: Handbook 8 has entries for ground beef containing 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% fat. How do I create a ground beef containing 18% fat? 40% fat?

    • A: In the big picture, you add to your product formulation a new sub-formulation that consists of two ingredients. To achieve 18% fat, the two ingredients are most naturally the 15% fat ground beef and the 20% fat ground beef, but you can use other choices of ground beef as long as one has a higher %fat than your target (18%) and the other a lower %fat than your target. To achieve 40% fat, one ingredient is any of the existing ground beefs (all with %fat below the target), while the other ingredient is 100% fat beef tallow. Below are the details for the case of putting 120 lbs of 40% fat ground beef in a formulation: 

      *First, create a sub-formula with the appropriate two ingredients:
    1. With the product formulation edit screen open, click the “Add” menu item
    2. Click New Formulation
    3. Type in the desired ingredient description. For this example, use “Ground beef 60% lean”
    4. Click Close
    5. Type in the amount of ingredient (120 in this example)
    6. Click OK
    7. The new ingredient appears in the formulation. Click the * (asterisk) at the far left to start the process of adding ingredients to the sub-formulation
    8. Open the “DataSource” menu and choose “USDA Handbook 8”
    9. Type, "Beef, ground"
    10. Click on the entry “Beef, ground, 70% lean meat / 30% fat, raw”
    11. Press Enter
    12. If your advised that this ingredient is already in your In-house database, click Yes
    13. For the quantity of this ingredient, type 50, choose % as the unit
    14. Click OK
    15. Click the Add menu item to start adding the second ingredient in the sub-formulation
    16. Open the “DataSource” menu and choose “USDA Handbook 8”
    17. Type “Fat, beef tallow”
    18. Press Enter
    19. If your advised that this ingredient is already in your In-house database, click Yes
    20. For the quantity of this ingredient, type 50
    21. Click OK

      *Next, Select these two ingredients:
    22. Click at the far left (between the two vertical lines) in front of the first ingredient so that yellow appears in front of that ingredient
    23. Click at the far left (between the two vertical lines) in front of the second ingredient so that yellow appears in front of both of the ingredients in the new sub-formulation

      *Now, direct EZ Form to adjust the weights of these two ingredients so that the %fat for the two combined ingredients is our target of 40%:
    24. Open the Edit-Selected menu and choose “Adjust Weights to Achieve Nutrient Target”
    25. “Total Fat” is highlighted by default, so just click OK
    26. Leave the first box showing “100.000” and change the second box to our target of 40 (40 grams of fat per 100 grams is the same as 40% fat)
    27. Click . Note how the weights of the two ingredients are adjusted

      Finally, this sub-formula is needed for nutrition purposes, but not for the ingredient statement or even an inspector, so Hide it:
    28. Click on the parent ingredient for the sub-formula (i.e., click on “Ground beef 60% lean”)
    29. Open the “Edit-Ingredient” menu and choose Adjust Status
    30. Click on the third option, "have any sub-formula ignored"
    31. Click OK

    Q: Why should I install Ghostscript? How can I install Ghostscript?

    • A: GhostScript is a program that allows Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files to be converted to many other formats, including BMP, JPG, PCX, PDF, PNG, and TIF. It is available at no cost on the Internet. GhostScript can be used with EZ Form to obtain the Nutrition Facts Panel and other outputs in one of these file formats. To do so, you will need to complete the following three sections.

      I. Click here and proceed as follows to install GhostScript on your computer:
    1. A table with several possible downloads is presented. Click on the Ghostscript AGPL Release link that corresponds to your workstation's operating system.
    2. A 50MB gs####w32.exe file will be downloaded. Open your Downloads folder and double-click on that file to open it
    3. If you get a security warning, look for other options and choose to "Run Anyway"
    4. A "GPL Ghostscript Setup" window appears. Click Next, then I agree
    5. Change the "Destination Folder" to a GS folder inside your EZ Form program folder (this will usually be C:\EZFORM\GS), then click Install
    6. On the next screen, uncheck any checkboxes, then click Finish
    7. Close any extraneous open windows

      II. Setup a printer that will be used to print PostScript data into a file (instructions for Windows 11, other versions of Windows may require slightly different steps):
    1. Click the Start button in your Taskbar, type "printers" and then click on Printers and Scanners
    2. Click Add Device. After a few seconds, the option to Add manually will appear. Click on these words
    3. On the "Find a printer ..." screen that opens, select the last option to Add a local printer ... , then click Next
    4. On the "Choose a printer port" screen that opens, open the dropdown list and select File: (Print to File), then click Next
    5. On the "Install the print driver" screen that opens, select Microsoft from the Manufacturer list, and Microsoft PS Class Driver from the Printers list, then click Next
    6. If asked which version of the driver to use, just click Next
    7. When asked to name the printer, call it Postscript Print-to-File and click Next
    8. When asked about Printer Sharing, leave the choice as Do not share this printer and then click Next
    9. When asked if you wish to make this printer your default printer, leave the box unchecked and click Finish

      III. Tell EZ Form where GhostScript is installed:
    1. Invoke EZ Form
    2. Open the Settings menu
    3. Click Auxiliary Program Locations
    4. If you are running EZ Form version 2008.101 or later and have installed Ghostscript in C:\EZFORM\GS as directed above, then the box below "Full path to the GhostScript executable" will be filled in automatically. If this box is empty or incorrect, enter the full path to GSWIN32C.EXE or click Browse... to find and select the file GSWIN32C.EXE.
    5. Click OK  to close the "Auxiliary Program Locations" window. A check will be made that your input corresponds to an actual file on your computer.