Nutrition Label Reform
the largest disruption  
in labeling in 25 years

Are you ready for Nutrition Label Reform?

In May 2016, the FDA finalized significant modifications to Nutrition Labeling. These are the most dramatic nutrition policy changes in decades. With brand image, label design, label format and record keeping requirements to consider, your company must decide whether to simply re-label products or to re-package, reformulate or remove them from shelves. Below you will see several free resources to help you on your way, including our 7 Steps Methodology. We invite you to view the videos that articulate each one.

Start your transition today with customized solution services from Prime Label Consultants specifically designed to educate, assess the impact, and build strategy across departments at the enterprise, category, and product levels.

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Product Identity Impact Report

Nutrition Label Reform will upend 25 years of packaging strategy. Have you started to analyze how the proposed changes to the iconic Nutrition Facts Panel will affect your labels? The sweeping changes are set to drastically change graphic design, packaging decisions, even brand identities. With the Final Rule out, now is the time to assess how your top brands will be affected. Start today with PLC's Product Identity Impact Report.

This customized report analyzes the major impacts on this label of the FDA’s proposed nutrition & serving size rules. It includes:

  • Executive Summary of Impact
  • Nutrition Facts Panel Current vs. Proposed Comparison
  • Proposed NFP Style Guide & Formatting Tips
  • Nutrient Content Claims Formatting, Style Guide, and Changes
  • Recommendations for Next Steps

Category Migration Map

Get the data you need to create a phased transition plan across an entire line of products.  Our customized algorithm will categorize and structure each product according to the impact on panel size, nutrient declarations, percent daily values, nutrient content claims, and more. This categorical approach to data and graphics impact, with missing data highlighted and actionable To-Dos clearly defined, is essential for planning your enterprise program and phasing your re-labeling, re-packaging and reformulating efforts.

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JumpStart Service

Rapidly assess the impact of the new FDA rules on your brand and develop an efficient & effective transition strategy. Led by management, labeling and food science experts, the core of this cost-effective program is a concentrated on-site training and cross-functional planning session, with pre-visit research & analyses of your product categories and post-visit follow ups. Your organization will gain knowledge with an actionable transition plan.

  • Pre-visit interviews, surveys & analysis of product line vulnerabilities and benchmark case studies.
  • On-site customized education to broad audience of stakeholders.
  • On-site cross-functional SWAT team to analyze priorities, vulnerabilities, trade-offs, rule optimization & competitive considerations.
  • On-site rapid development scrum session to construct project plan deliverables, teams and timelines.
  • Post-visit follow ups with executive status reports.

Proactive planning will be key to a successful transition. Prime Label Consultants’ NLR JumpStart is designed to rapidly assess the impact on your brand and develop an efficient & effective transition strategy.

Nutrition Facts

Prime Label has been a leader in Nutrition labeling since NLEA first appeared in the 1990's.  Our Nutrition services, software and training are well respected in the industry since that time. PLC's assigns dieticians and food technologists to individually analyze every recipe and product.  We use our proprietary software, EZForm, which contains all FDA and USDA formats, supports bi-lingual & multi-panel labels, and converts your product to the Nutrition Label Reform format. Ask us to analyze your recipe or provide us with a lab analysis, and let PLC's nutrition experts do the rest. PLC’s food technologists work hand-in-hand with your staff to produce "graphics-ready" labels. And if you need to comply with FDA's new menu labeling regulation, we specialize in that too.

  • Nutrition Label Reform Formats
  • Nutritional Analyses from Database
  • Nutrition Facts Panels: for USDA, FDA & Canada
  • Nutrient Content Claims & Disclosure Statements
  • Recipe & Nutrition Records Management

PLC's labeling experts also develop other label elements:

  • Ingredient & Allergen Statements
  • Nutrient Content Claims
  • Health Claims
  • Certified/Verified Claims
  • Product Name/Identity & Qualifying Statements
  • Ad Copy
  • Label Sketch Prototypes (blueprint of all content on label panels, "graphics design-ready")

Category Nutrition Conversions

Apply customized logic to efficiently convert nutrition content and percent daily values from old to new. Leveraging PLC's expertise in systems based solutions, complete nutrition content conversion can be delivered, ready to provide to your artwork team to be built into the new panels.

  • Update serving sizes and nutrient amounts
  • Efficiently quantify "Added Sugar" where supplier data may be missing
  • Factor new "dietary fiber" determination rules
  • Avoid recalculation of every product formulation
  • Provide the necessary data to your graphic designers for new panel formatting
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Turnkey Solutions

Outsourcing is a service where PLC's labeling professionals can completely handle all your food labeling needs. If you cannot handle the additional work load from Nutrition Label Reform or are short of staff or lack the training to work on these new complex changes, we can become your extended NFP conversion and label review staff. PLC has dealt with thousands of labels a year for over 40 years, and we can ensure high quality, cost-effective label compliance for your company. We provide:

  • Label formulation, naming, nutrition, claims & approval
  • An interface with your labeling, R&D, QA, marketing & graphics dept's
  • Dedicated food technologist as account manager
  • Complete electronic record of labels and approvals
  • Strict confidentiality

If you have a labeling staff, we’ll relieve it of dozens of time-consuming tasks. If you don’t have a labeling staff, we’ll become it! Add the experts at PLC to your labeling staff and save time and money!

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